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How to convert Date and Time in sql server?

At times, to convert date and time values may not be available in the preferred format, or the query output may not meet the user’s requirements. In such cases, you can either format the data in the application itself or use the formatting functions provided by SQL Server to modify the date string.

SQL Server offers built-in functions to format the date string, which can help you to customize the output in the desired format without altering the source data. By using these functions, you can convert the date and time data into various formats, such as MM/DD/YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD, and so on.

This approach allows for more flexibility and ease of use when presenting data to the user.


    How to get different date and time format?

    To obtain various date formats in SQL Server, you can utilize the CONVERT function in conjunction with the SELECT statement and specify the date format option for the desired date values.

    • For instance, if you need the date in YYYY-MM-DD format, you can use this T-SQL syntax:
      • SELECT CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 23).
    • Similarly, if you require the date in MM/DD/YY format, you can use this T-SQL syntax:
      • SELECT CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 1).
    • To view other format options, you can refer to the form available for reference.

    How to convert date and time in sql server ?

    In SQL Server, you can convert a date using the CONVERT function. The CONVERT function takes three arguments:

    1. The data type you want to convert to
    2. The expression to be converted
    3. An optional style code to specify the format of the input date

    Here’s an example of how to convert a date to a string in SQL Server:

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), GETDATE(), 101)

    This will return the current date in the format mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. «03/21/2023»).

    Here’s another example of how to convert a string to a date in SQL Server:

    SELECT CONVERT(datetime, '2023-03-21 10:30:00', 120)

    This will convert the string ‘2023-03-21 10:30:00’ to a datetime value in SQL Server’s internal format. The style code 120 specifies the format of the input string as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.

    Note that the format of the input date must match the style code you specify, or you will get an error. You can find a list of style codes and their corresponding formats in the SQL Server documentation.

    The format function for date and time


    1. The value to be formatted
    2. The format string, which specifies the format you want to apply to the value

    The format string can include various placeholders, such as ‘d’ for day, ‘M’ for month, ‘yyyy’ for year, ‘h’ for hour, ‘m’ for minute, ‘s’ for second, and so on, which determine how the value should be formatted.

    For example, to format the current date in the format «yyyy-MM-dd», you can use the following T-SQL code:

    SELECT FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'yyyy-MM-dd')

    This will return the current date in the format «yyyy-MM-dd» (e.g. «2023-03-21»).

    The FORMAT function is a powerful tool for formatting values in SQL Server, but it’s important to note that it can be relatively slow compared to other formatting options, especially when formatting large datasets. So it’s recommended to use it judiciously and consider other alternatives if performance is a concern.

    Form to convert date and time

    To test the T-SQL code presented, I recommend using Management Studio, which you should install to try out the query. You only need to create a new query and test the generated code.


    for all database services you would need a function like this please check mysql or postgresql function. for both you would a GUI to implement the code.


    Both the FORMAT and CONVERT functions in SQL Server allow you to modify date and time data types into a desired format. The main difference between them is that the CONVERT function is primarily used to convert the data type of an expression or value, while the FORMAT function is used to format a value of any data type into a string with a specific format. T

    The CONVERT function is typically faster than the FORMAT function, but the FORMAT function provides more flexibility and customization options. Therefore, the choice of which function to use depends on whether you need to modify the data type or format of the value. please check format with currency types.